Celebrating and Savoring the Good Stuff
It’s time to celebrate and savor your personal victories.
I don’t know if you are anything like me, but I don’t often stop and celebrate my accomplishments. This is especially true of those things that are a big deal to me privately. I may have shared this goal with a couple of very select people, or kept it all to myself. To the world at large, this personal accomplishment just looks like me completing something. No big deal, right? Except to me.
This week, I had one of those big victories — one that had been on my mind and in my heart for a very long time. What made it different? This time, instead of rushing headlong into the next big thing, I paused. I congratulated myself. Boom! I even imagined doing a dramatic mike drop and strutting off the stage. And to make this victory even sweeter, I celebrated by going out to dinner with a wise friend who knows the wisdom of celebrating. Instead of the soup we were both planning on, she suggested we splurge. It became a celebration. I savored my delicious victory meal, and my patient friend gave me permission to bask in my triumph all I liked. And you know what? It felt great! A bit unfamiliar, but great nonetheless.
So great, the feeling is still with me, several days later. I am so grateful – and as a result, I feel more inspired, creative and confident.
We all know that challenges and tough stuff will happen, both in life and business. So why not leverage the good energy, and remember our private victories when they happen?
Speaking of those victories, why is it, when we are successful and have those private accomplishments, that we just rush to the next big thing? Often, without even giving ourselves time to catch our breath.
I bet if it was a failure, we would have spent time licking our wounds – rehashing the loss, going over what we could have done differently, better, what went wrong, etc.
Isn’t it time to savor and celebrate the good stuff?