Why Waste Your Energy with Comparisons
It’s true that when we are busy comparing ourselves to others, there is not as much time, energy and motivation left for us to create our own thing. Which is what we really want to do. While Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media sites can be a wonderful tool to stay connected to people and promote our businesses, it can also be a place where insecurity, judgments and comparisons flourish.
Your Creative Sweet Spot
We all have a creative sweet spot. That perfect time when the planets align just so, our creativity is heightened, our thoughts and ideas are flowing, and we are in blissful harmony with our creativity. In fact, we don’t even think about whether or not we are being creative, we just ARE. So the question is, just where is our sometimes elusive creative sweet spot – and how can we access and expand it?
Collecting Confidence
You know the feeling…you are in the flow, the zone, and there is a sense of ease and grace. For whatever reason, you are feeling confident. There is a sense of knowing, of certainty and trust. Trusting in your abilities, you knowledge, yourself.
What's YOUR "Why?"
As entrepreneurs, we tend to focus on two things: our WHO – who we are, and our WHAT – what we do. All too often, we tend to overlook our essential WHY – the inspiration and motivation that connects us to our passion, purpose and, our reason for being in business in the first place.
What Are YOU Holding On To?
Today I’d like to tell you the story of the man who confused being extremely busy with being productive and having a rich, fulfilling life. Why am I telling you this? As entrepreneurs, it can be all-too-easy to become so focused on the prize that we lose sight of what really matters. As coaches, we can see this in our clients as well.