Shifting the Story

“Snap out of it!” ~ Mary Engelbreit

Recently, I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with a wonderful, smart, and wise-beyond-her-years three year old. and I was in awe of how masterful she was in shifting her energy. One minute she was crying bitter tears over some (perceived) injustice, the next minute happily giggling over something that tickled her fancy.

It was amazing to see her shake it off – how quickly she could just snap out of it. When she focused her energy and attention elsewhere, she would shrug her shoulders, smile and sometimes say, “Oh well!”…and be off on her next adventure.

We were all like that once, but over time, we learned all too well how to take things personally, harbor grudges, and tell ourselves stories that kept us stuck. In fact, as we became more and more adept at storytelling, it became difficult to separate fact from fiction.

As entrepreneurs building our businesses, it can be so easy to tell ourselves stories. The client who falls away from working with us and what we make that mean, the reasons why we really shouldn’t go to this or that networking event, how we don’t have time to write, or whatever. But, how are those stories serving us?

Short answer? They’re not.

I’m learning to let go of the stories that no longer serve me. For example, I can make up elaborate stories to keep me from facing a blank page. Real doozies. Staring at the blank screen on my computer, my mind can turn to mush. I might tell myself that I am too tired, distracted, had too much to do today – and I will be better off to get a fresh start tomorrow. And then, it becomes the tomorrow after that. And then,  on and on…until I am lulled into being fully stuck. Or maybe I tell myself I have nothing to say, or maybe… You get the idea.

Until I snap out of it, and rewrite the story I am telling myself.

What about you? Think of a story you are telling yourself right now that is holding you back. How true is it, really? Even if it is absolutely true today, how can you shift your energy to make your story work for you? What will it take for you to be able to say “Oh Well!” and move past it with ease and grace?

What are you waiting for? SNAP OUT OF IT!


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