It’s there – inside each one of us. Creativity. No matter what we believe, no matter what, it’s there. I believe that we are always creating. Creativity is our secret superpower. The key is to harness this superpower we hold in a way that supports our goals, dreams, and purpose.

Sometimes we use this power to create beautiful things, experiences, thoughts and more. Other times we create worry, anger, fear and other things that don’t serve us. Ever just idly fret over something? I have! That “what if…”  story that never happens. (I have found that intentionally creating a Plan B if things go south is one way to take that worry and turn it around.)

Occasionally we create the energy that holds us back in our language. “I should…” “I can’t…” “I need to…” We tell ourselves stories – often quite convincingly – about why now isn’t the right time, why we don’t have space, energy, talent to create what we desire. Just think of all that energy that goes into the NOT doing the very thing we want to create.

Trust me when I tell you I have spent more energy in doubting my creativity than I want to admit. Sometimes it has shown up as perfection or procrastination. Other times it might look more like a comparison, with me feeling “less-than” whatever I am comparing myself with. In fact, I was using my creativity to tell myself those stories. Now, when I find myself slipping into that negative self-talk, I can recognize it. I may not be able to make a shift in the moment all the time, but awareness can begin the process. I can change the energy. So can you.

Everything changes when we harness our creative superpowers.

My favorite question to ask myself is, “What do I want to create?” Often, this will help me find focus, inspiration, and motivation. When I’m stuck, it’s an excellent reminder for me that I can choose to stay stuck or to get going.

What’s your relationship with your creative superpower? What do you want to create?


Hello Procrastination, Hello Perfection ~ My Old Friends…