All Work and No Play

Take a minute, look up from your work — even if that work is building that dream — blink, and you will notice we’re halfway through summer already!

Ask  yourself this: What do the things on the following list have in common? Vacation, halftime, recess, intermission, weekend, coffee break, 7th inning stretch, staycation, afternoon nap, etc.?  Yup – each one of them is a break from the business at hand.

The fact is, it is essential for our well being and our productivity to take a break, whether for 10 minutes or 10+ days. And yet, all too often that is exactly what we don’t give ourselves. Time off. Time out. Time away.

One of the gifts to our work in taking a break (even if the work we do feels more like play, we love it so much) is that we come back to is refreshed, renewed and rejuvenated. In fact, when we have a new perspective our thoughts are clearer, and we see possibilities where none existed before we took the break. In The Power of Full Engagement, Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz tell us this is critical when we go at something fully engaged – say 110% – because we can’t sustain that 110% without allowing ourselves recovery time. In other words, a break!

So, go!! Take that break! (In fact, right now, as you are reading this, I am spending an amazing week – taking a break – at a writer’s retreat in Taos, New Mexico!)

Only have a few minutes? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • get up from your desk, stretch and take a few lovely deep breaths.

  • go for a walk

  • talk to a friend

  • plan an adventure

  • go on that adventure (10 minute or 10 day rule applies here)

  • laugh out loud

  • try something new

  • get back to something you love doing

  • knit or do a hobby you enjoy

  • yoga, rock climbing, golf, dancing, or …

  • go see a play, movie, concert, baseball game, etc.

  • browse an art gallery, museum, or somewhere that piques your interest

  • go to the farmer’s market

  • enjoy some wonderful, fresh, organic fruits and veggies

  • read a book

  • get a pedicure

  • take a nap

  • do nothing

  • do something you love

  • be

  • no really! just be…

“How beautiful it is to do nothing and rest afterwords.
~ Spanish proverb


Finding the Courage to Follow Your Dream

